October 4th, 2021
October 5th, 2021
October 6th, 2021
October 7th, 2021
October 8th, 2021
October 4th, 2021
14:00 – 16:00
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Master of Ceremonies: Ms. Alfiya Musina, USAID’s CTJ
Headline: Celebrating 30 years of Cooperation Between the United States and Central Asia
- Opening remarks: Deputy Chief of Mission Judy Kuo (pre-recorded)
- Welcome address from Mr. Torsten Brezina, Cluster Coordinator of the GIZ regional programmes in Central Asia (pre-recorded)
- Welcome address from Mr. Azamat Askaruly, CEO, QazTrade Center for Trade Policy Development, Kazakhstan
Session 1
Post-Covid Trends in trade
Held jointly with the International Trade Center
While the pandemic is not yet behind us, targeted measures to spur trade have supported companies during the crisis and can help countries recover faster and more sustainably. In this session, participants will gain insight into post-pandemic rebound opportunities:
Moderator: Ms. Barbara Oliveira Ramos, ITC’s Chief of Research and Strategies for Exports
- Valentina Rollo, Economist, ITC
- Assessing the Business Impact of COVID and Identifying Measures for Building Resilience
- Asel Egemberdieva, Deputy CEO, QazTrade Center for Trade Policy Development, Kazakhstan
- Responding to the Emerging Business Needs in the Post-COVID Era
- Jamilya Imankulova, Owner, EcoFerma Company, Kyrgyz Republic
- Building Supply Chain Resilience, Private Sector Representative
- Rajesh Aggarwal, ITC’s Chief of Trade Facilitation and Policy for Business
- Defining the Multilateral Trade Agenda for the Post-COVID Era
- Bekzod Khashimov, Economist, Uzbekistan
- Post-pandemic Realities, Opportunities, and Outlooks in Central Asia
Discussion Q&A
16:00 – 17:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Roundtable on the post-covid business support ecosystem in central asia
Held jointly with the QazTrade Center for Trade Policy Development
Export promotion infrastructure is a top priority for all Central Asian countries. Each country in the region is working to transform existing infrastructure or form new full-fledged institutions, to support non-commodity exports. This roundtable will review state policies and regional initiatives which intend to create demand-driven centers of information and assistance, designed to support local firms who are seeking to access export markets.
Moderator: Mr. Nurlan Kulbatyrov, Deputy Director General, QazTrade
- William Tompson, Head of the Eurasia Division, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Bahodur Rakhimzoda, PhD, Deputy Director of the Export Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
- Anne Chappaz, Chief of Institutions and Ecosystems, International Trade Centre (ITC)
- Mikheil Janelidze, Former Vice Prime Minister of the Government of Georgia, Senior Consultant at the Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG)
- Geoff Wright, Project Team Director, USAID CTJ
- Murad Rakhimov, Head of Marketing Department, Export Promotion Agency of Uzbekistan
10:00 – 13:00
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Side event – iso training (part1)
Changing mindset in management systems: 2021 ISO standards and practices for sustainable business development
- Marat Khabibulin, Regional Director of “CERT Academy”
- Relevance of the ISO international standards for business recovery and sustainable development.
- Riad Ibragimov, Editor-in-Chief of the MANAGEMENT magazine
- Financial and Economic Benefits of ISO 9001 based on the ISO 10014:2021 «Quality management systems — Guidance for realizing financial and economic benefits»
- Ildar Ineleev, Regional Director of “CERT International” for the CIS countries
- Practical recommendations for the development and implementation of ISO 37001 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and UNIDO
ORGANIZER: CERT INTERNATIONAL Separate Registration is required
October 5th, 2021
10:00 – 11:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Session 2
Reviving tourism amid covid-19
Held jointly with Kazakhtourism
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism had been one of the world’s fastest growing sectors. Central Asia was quick to recognize its potential to contribute to growth, but COVID and measures to contain it, cut tourist arrivals to near zero almost everywhere. Central Asia was not spared as the pandemic caused thousands of job losses, business closures, and economic hardship. This session explores how Central Asian governments could help revitalize the tourism sector following control of the pandemic.
Moderator: Mr. Michael Shamshidov, Strategy Consultant & Business Trainer for Tourism Organizations in Silk Road destinations
- Kairat Sadvakassov, Deputy Chairman Kazakh Tourism
- Cooperation in Central Asia post-COVID19
- Asem Kozbagarova, Founder, SkyWay Travel Tour Operator
- Tour Operators in Post-Pandemic Era
- Mislav Mikasek, General Manager, Sheraton Nur-Sultan
- Hospitality services in new normal
- Assel Kozhakova, General Manager, Redpoint Marketing Agency
- Marketing in post-COVID19
- Gulmira Primova, Executive Director, Destination Jyrgalan Valley
- Impact of COVID-19 on Jyrgalan Destination
- Islam Sekerbekov, Sales Director, Air Astana
- Necessity of paperless traveler journeys and experience
15:00 – 16:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Session 3
Trade and transit in central asian countries: existing challenges and possible digital solutions
Held jointly with GIZ
The session will discuss the borders’ crossing issues, the existing trade and transit procedures, and the new COVID-19-related protective measures affecting the movement of international road transport. The session will also cover issues related to the challenges in developing the transit of fresh agricultural and finished food products to promote regional trade in Central Asia and other regions, discuss the findings of analytical studies on current business processes at border crossing points and the use of innovative mechanisms reducing queues at the borders such as e-queue, transit digitization – e-TIR. The session will develop recommendations and proposals to prevent barriers for trade in the region.
Moderator: Ms. Larissa Kislyakova, Chairperson, Transport and Logistics Partnership
- Larisa Kislaykova, Chairperson, TLP
- Monitoring analysis of Motor rally for perishable products delivery from Central Asian countries
- Pierre Bonthonneau, Trade Facilitation Adviser, International Trade Center
- Trade Barriers in Central Asia and Possible Solutions
- Yerlan Abssatov, General Director, KAZLOGISTICS
- E-queues at border crossing points as an innovative approach to simplify border crossing
- Farrukh Nematzoda, Head of the Transport Department of the Ministry of Transport of Tajikistan
Discussion Q&A
17:00 – 18:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Challenges of international road transport development: Barriers to replenishment of the rolling stock fleet
Held jointly with Association of Freight Forwarders of Kazakhstan
The technical condition of motor vehicles is at a low level in Kazakhstan, 70% of them requires immediate write-off due to the inefficiency of further use in international transport. Kazakhstan carriers are practically deprived of the opportunity to purchase any vehicles for renewal and replenishment of the rolling stock fleet, they are in unequal conditions with their colleagues in the Eurasian Economic Union. Their competitiveness is decreasing in the market of international transport services, which causes great socio-economic damage to the country. Kazakhstani carriers cannot compete with carriers from Russia, Belarus, which dominate the Kazakhstani market of transport services, not to mention European carriers. This Roundtable will gather all interested parties and elaborate a resolution based on round table discussions and recommendations to be addressed to relevant authorities.
Moderator: Mr. Zhandos Zeyneshev, Expert in anti-crisis and strategic communications, Eurasian Center for People Management
- Makhsat Saktaganov, KazATO, President, Market problems, high fees when purchasing trucks in Kazakhstan
- Kanat Mukushev, Kazlogistics, Deputy Director General, Working with government agencies in terms of supporting domestic carriers
- Vladimir Stepchenko, Alem Trans Group LLP, Director, Business perspective on existing realities, personal experience
- Pavel Telitsyn, A.T.Logistics LLP, Director, Business perspective on existing realities, personal experience
- Dmitriy Chubenko, Representative of the Association of International Road Carriers of Uzbekistan (AIRCUZ)
- Larisa Kislyakova, Central Asia Transport and Logistics Partnership (TLP), Chairperson
14:00 – 17:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Side event – iso training (part 2)
Changing mindset in management systems: 2021 ISO standards and practices for sustainable business development
- Riad Ibragimov, Editor-in-Chief of the MANAGEMENT magazine
- Improving the health and safety management efficiency in accordance with ISO 45001:2018 based on the ISO/PAS 45005:2020 – General guidelines for safe working during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Ildar Ineleev, Regional Director of “CERT International” for the CIS countries
- 2021 practical recommendations by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on the use of ISO 22000:2018
- Marat Khabibulin, Regional Director of “CERT Academy”
- ISO / PAS 5643:2021 – a new guidance to revive tourism in a safe and secure way. Actual recommendations for hotels, restaurants, transport companies, shops, tour operators
- Ildar Ineleev, Regional Director of “CERT International” for the CIS countries
- New recommendations to improve the internal audits effectiveness based on ISO 19011: 2018
ORGANIZER: CERT INTERNATIONAL Separate Registration is required
October 6th, 2021
10:00 – 11:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Session 4
Sustainable water for central asia
This summer, Central Asia, like many other regions in the world, has faced drought conditions during a time of growing demand for water. Growing populations and consumer economies drive the demand for water, food, and energy, while climate change introduces yet further challenges to a sustainable supply of good quality water. There is an urgency to meeting these challenges before they cause severe social, economic, and environmental dislocation and investment is needed in upgrades to critical infrastructure. However, steps must be simultaneously taken to reduce overall water demand through improved conservation and use. Governments alone cannot solve all these challenges—the private sector also has an important role to play in contributing skills and resources and they have a vested interest in doing so; water scarcity, high energy costs, and pollution can pose risks to business, and the way companies manage water and energy inputs can impact their profits. In fact, water scarcity presents one of the biggest risks to companies and the agricultural commodity sector is especially exposed to such risk. This session will explore the issues, challenges, and potential solutions related to sustainable water in Central Asia, and the steps currently being taken by USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity to engage Governments, the private sector and all stakeholders in improved water resources management in the region.
Moderator: Ms. Ekaterina Strikeleva, Capacity Development & Educational Lead, USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity, Kazakhstan
Opening remarks: Mr. Daniel Rosenblum, U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan (pre-recorded)
- Dr. Annette Huber-Lee, Senior Scientist Stockholm Environment Institute, USA
- Water security in an uncertain future
- Dr. Stefan Uhlenbrook, Strategic Program Director of the CGIAR Research Program and Strategic Program Director – Water, Land and Ecosystems and | International Water Management Institute, (IWMI), Sri Lanka
- The WEFE nexus approach
- Alexandr Nikolayenko, Senior Regional Adviser, GIZ Green Central Asia: Regional Initiative on Climate and Security in Central Asia and Afghanistan
- Multi-level basin governance
- Dr. Iskandar Abdullaev, Deputy Director II, Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Institute, Uzbekistan
- Contributions from the private sector
- Dr. Barbara Janusz-Pawletta, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, UNESCO Chairholder for Water Resources Management at the Kazakh-German University (DKU)
- Academia and the next generation of water professionals
- Sulton Rahimzoda, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving Aral Sea (EC IFAS)
Discussion Q&A
12:00 – 13:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Session 5
Electricity trade and renewable energy investment opportunities in central asia
The re-integration of national power systems is essential for the creation of an open and competitive Regional Electricity Market in Central Asia. The market will serve as a platform for the exchange of electricity surpluses resulting from more efficient generation capacity through varied complementary sources. Better flexibility of the energy system will enable the deployment and integration of renewable energy projects. This will not only enhance supply security and reliability; it will propel regional economic growth by creating significant business opportunities and attracting private investment into the power sectors of all five Central Asian countries. To help the region achieve this vision, USAID is providing technical, legal/regulatory and market assistance and capacity building to expedite creation of the market with improved transmission infrastructure, commercial pricing, and improved trust between the partners.
Moderated by: Mr. Sergey Yelkin, Project Coordinator, USAID Central Asia
- Bayan Abylkairova, Deputy Chief of Party, The USAID Power Central Asia Activity
- Prospects for Regional Energy Cooperation in Central Asia
- Armen Arzumanyan, Chief of Party, The USAID Power the Future and Central Asia Regional Electricity Market Activities
- Central Asia Regional Energy Market (CAREM) Trade Benefits
- Dr. Pramod Jain, President, Innovative Wind Energy, Inc.
- Challenges and Solutions of Integrating Renewable Energy in the Central Asian Power System
- Dr. Allen Eisendrath, Energy Advisor, The USAID Power Central Asia Activity
- International Trends in Cross Border Electricity Trade
- Bakytzhan Ilyas, Chairman of the Board, KOREM JSC
- KOREM JSC Potential for Regional Electricity Trade
Discussion Q&A
Bayan Abylkairova – Prospects for Regional Energy Cooperation in Central Asia
Armen Arzumanyan – Central Asia Regional Energy Market (CAREM) Trade Benefits
Allen Eisendrath – International Trends in Cross Border Electricity Trade
Alexey Doronin – Development of the regional market of centralized electric energy trading
15:00 – 16:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Session 6
A digital future – the transport and logistics dimension
Held jointly with the Chartered Institute of Logistics andTransport (CILT)
There is an important ‘big picture’ here as we have seen many businesses transform their operations in response to the economic and efficiency challenges presented by the Covid 19 pandemic. Solutions are much more than making data and processes ‘digital’ – digitalization enables business transformation. More than just making existing data digital, digitalization embraces the ability of digital technology to collect data, establish trends and aid better business decisions.
This session brings local and international Transport & Logistics (T&L) professionals together to discuss how big data and digital technologies are transforming trade in Central Asia and around the world. We’ll dive in to better understand how the rapid adoption of digitial technology is reducing friction and making trade easier, smarter, faster and more customer-centric, in the midst of a disruptive, global pandemic. In this live panel discussion we will focus on topics such as:
- What needs to be in place before a government or a company goes digital
- How digitalization can facilitate safer and greener trade along international supply chains – including the rail sector
- How Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows T&L companies to address demands across supply chain operations.
- How digitalization facilitates innovative recovery plans and speeds up processes towards inclusive, sustainable trade.
- How the pandemic has accelerated automation and contactless technologies
- How have skills requirements changed in the transport and logistics sector and will they ever be the same?
Moderator: Mr. Timur Ospanov, Industry Expert – Air Cargo & Logistics
- Tatiana Proskuryakova, Regional Director for Central Asia, World Bank
- Amar More, CEO, Kale Logistics Solutions
- Konstantin Aushev, IT & Digital Advisory Director, KPMG Kazakhstan and Central Asia
- Jan Steenberg, Head of Europe & APAC at Tata Consultancy Services, Supply Chain Practice, The Chartered Fellow of the CILT
- David Cross, The Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
- Khalizan bin Mohamed Halid, Accountant (Malaysia)
- Antonio Nunez, Program Leader for Infrastructure in Central Asia, World Bank
Discussion Q&A
October 7th, 2021
10:00 – 11:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Session 7
Trans-asian connectivity
The session will discuss regional transport opportunities, internal procedures, and current problems with the transit of commodities. The TIR convention is aimed at facilitating international transit through simplified customs transit procedures. All five Central Asian countries have acceded to and implemented the TIR Convention, and it now allows trucks to travel more efficiently to distant markets by exempting customs guarantees during transit.
Moderator: Mr. Mario Apostolov, Regional Adviser, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, UN Economic Commission for Europe
- Tatiana Rey-Bellet, Director, IRU
- Central Asia Trade connectivity under TIR & TIR Digitalisation projects in Central Asia
- Tamar Jejeia Satterwhite, Attorney Advisor-International, Commercial Law Development Program, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Commerce
- TIR convention in Central Asia: CLDP’s perspective
- Daniel Kroos, OSCE
- Green ports and connectivity
- Max Ee, SCMi Group
- Alternative Routes – accessing European markets via Caspian sea ports
- Larissa Kislyakova, TLP
- Transport and Logistics Partnership on barriers and constraints at BCPs
- Viacheslav Vikentiev, Deputy General Delegate to the IRU Permanent Delegation to Eurasia
- Business Connections
- Mario Apostolov, Regional Adviser, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, UN Economic Commission for Europe
- The UN/CEFACT standards for digitalization of multimodal data and document exchange
Discussion Q&A
15:00 – 17:00
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Session 8
E-commerce and last mile delivery
COVID-induced trade disruptions made E-commerce essential rather than just an option. They triggered new business growth opportunities. Companies across the globe seized these opportunities and have continued to transform. This session will explore how to react to future changes in markets.
Panel 1 – Policy and technology solutions to facilitate low-value e-commerce shipments in Central Asia
Moderator: Mr. Filip Stoyanovich, Chief of Party, USAID’s Future Growth Initiative (FGI) for Central Asia
- Aikanysh Saparalieva, General Manager of Glovo Kyrgyzstan
- Steven Pope, Vice President, DHL
- Kati Suominen, Founder and CEO, Nextrade Group
- Myrza Sokurov, Strategy & Operations Advisory Director and PwC Eurasia
Panel 2 – Business and technology opportunities for Central Asian businesses to streamline ecommerce logistics, warehousing, and supply chains
Moderator: Ms. Kati Suominen, Founder and CEO, Nextrade Group
- Muzaffar Karabaev, CEO, Shipbox
- Pasha Karim, Regional Manager, Globalink Logistics
- Geesche Laksola, Business Lead, Youredi
- Erica Libertelli, Executive Director, eCommerce Institute
October 8th, 2021
10:00 – 11:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Session 9
Sustainable trade: development of the competitive horticulture sector
Potatoes, onions, and other root crops are staples in the diets of Central Asia, yet frequently these countries are forced to expend hard-earned foreign currency to supplement local production shortfalls. This session will bring together industry and academic specialists to discuss possible avenues to self-sufficiency in potatoes by cultivating better varieties, and improving storage and related logistics practices.
Moderator: Mr. Evgeniy Klimov, Chairman, Kazakh Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement
- Chase Kidd, IVI Inc. (ID, USA)
- Dr. Rusudan Mdivani, Regional Leader for CA and the Caucasus, Senior Scientist, International Potato Center (CIP)
- Dr. Hafiz Muminjanov, Technical Adviser, Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP), UN FAO
- Prof. Nora Olsen, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Plant Sciences, University of Idaho (ID, USA) (pre-recorded)
- Prof. Temirzhan Aitbayev, Kazakh National Agricultural University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
- Prof. Durbek Khalikov, Senior Researcher; Potato Selection & Seed Production Laboratory (PSSPL)
- Prof. Tursunboy Ahmedov, Former director of the Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture of Agricultural Sciences of Tajikistan (2003-2014)
Discussion Q&A
15:00 – 16:30
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Session 10
Women and youth in the post-covid era
Held jointly with WiLAT
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Transportation and Logistics sector globally by slowing down trade operations and core supply chains. Most of the investments and developmental efforts provided by the public sector and international aid agencies were postponed or reconsidered. However, 2021-22 offers the potential for a post-pandemic boost in many economic sectors, including transportation, logistics and trade. With this in mind, all existing and projected trade infrastructure in Central Asian countries will require the input of professional communities such as WiLAT and of the young specialists of Next Generation.
- Marina Kuznechevskaya, GVC-Global Vice Chairperson WiLAT, Women in Logistics and Transport,Chairperson WiLAT Cental Asia, General Director ‘flydubai Kazakhstan”
- Aizhan Beiseyeva, Regional Transport and Logistics Lead, USAID Competitiveness, Trade, and Jobs Activity;
- Vicky Koo, Director of Viziolg Asia Limited, Hong Kong, Adjunct Professor at The Macao Science and Technology University, Advisor of ASCM, Chairperson of Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT) Hong Kong, CILT HK Council Member, Founding member of CILT Macao;
- Topic: Capacity Building for Women in Logistics
- Oxana Sorokina, General Director, SevenR Logistics, Kazakhstan, WiLAT Central Asia Council Member;
- Topic: Current situation with multimodal shipments from China and South-East Asia (sea freight and railfreight), reasons, consequences and forecasts
- Dabney Shall-Holma, Chairperson Sealink Implementation Committee/ Consortium Nigeria , WiLAT Global Advisor,
- Topic: Bridging the Gender-Gap through Empowerment to position women to reap the benefits of AfCFTA’. AfCFTA is African continental Free Trade Area
- Adalyat Abdumanapova, Corporate Government officer, IFC Environment, Social and Governance;
- Topic: Women in Business Leadership and ESG performance
- Usman Shuaibu, Assistant Chief, Reform Coordination and Strategy, Office of the Director-General, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Deputy Chairperson, Next Generation Global;
- Topic: Maritime logistics in post-covid period: how the pandemic affected Maritime logistics
- Sanzhar Taizhan, Founder – Warwick Hyperloop & Boring, Founder & CEO – TaiSan Motors, Forbes 30 under 30 Kazakhstan, Advisor to Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Topic: “How information technologies and digitalization will help to create innovative recovery plans in order to improve transport sector”
- Megan Yeates, Zwilling, Sales Associate, honors secretary for CILT NG Ireland;
- Topic: How have skills requirements for youth changed in the transport and logistics sector in the post-covid era?
Nur-Sultan – GMT+6
Closing remarks
Mr. Lawrence Hardy, Mission Director, USAID Central Asia

Development of a Cold Supply Chain in Central Asia

Maksat Konushaliev. 3D map